"The basic mission of the research work of the department is to solve outstanding theoretical problems in solid state physics, statistical physics, physics of elementary particles and fields, biophysics and soft condensed matter physics."
The Department of Theoretical Physics operates its own local computing cluster, named ATOS, comprised of approximately 3000 cores with each core having on average of 12 GB of memory. The 46 compute nodes that host the CPUs are connected through a fast 100GbE Ethernet connection, while 23 of the nodes also have 100GbE infiniband. Researchers have access to a large amount of storage capacitiy (3TB for long-term storage, that is backed up to an off-site tape drive; and “unlimited" scratch space), served through two fast network filesystems 200TB and 1.2PB in size respectively.
Usage possible upon prior agreement with Department Head and Administrators.
RESEARCH PROGRAMS (Slovenian Research Agency)
Program Title | Program Leader |
Theoretical physics of nuclei, particles and fields | prof. dr. Jernej Fesel Kamenik |
Theory of condensed matter and statistical physics | prof. dr. Janez Bonča |
Biophysics of polymers, membranes, gels, colloids and cells | prof. dr. Primož Ziherl |
Physics of quantum technologies | prof. dr. Rok Žitko |
Grant Title | Grant Leader |
Nonlinear mechanics of biological tissues and their tumors (Nelinearna mehanika bioloških tkiv in njihovih tumorjev)
(ARIS J1-3009) 1.10.2021―30.9.2024 |
dr. Matej Krajnc |
Multi-scale modeling of non-equilibrium quantum materials (Modeliranje neravnovesnih kvantnih materialov na različnih skalah) |
dr. Denis Golež |
Symmetries and quantum pumping (Vloga simetrij pri vzbujanju kvantnih sistemov) 1.9.2020―31.8.2024 |
dr. Zala Lenarčič |
Three advances towards realistic description of strongly correlated electron transport (Tri izboljšave na poti do realističnega opisa transporta močno koreliranih elektronov) 1.9.2020 - 31.8.2024 |
doc. dr. Jernej Mravlje |
Cryptographically safe random number generator (Kriptografsko varen generator naključnih števil) 1. 9. 2021 - 31. 8. 2024 |
prof. dr. Rok Žitko |
Columbic subgap states in superconducting quantum devices (Coulombska stanja v energijski reži superprevodnih kvantnih naprav) 1. 10. 2021 - 30. 9. 2024 |
prof. dr. Rok Žitko |
(ARIS J1-3013) 1. 10. 2021 - 30. 9. 2024 |
prof. dr. Jernej Fesel Kamenik |
Lattice QCD study of electroweak transitions between heavy mesons and light hadronic resonances (Elektrošibki prehodi med težkimi mezoni in lahkimi hadronskimi resonancami v kromodinamiki na mreži) 1. 11. 2021 - 31. 10. 2023 |
dr. Luka Leskovec |
Stability of biological fluids under tensile stress (Stabilnost bioloških tekočin pod natezno obremenitvijo) 1. 10. 2022 - 30. 9. 2025 |
dr. Matej Kanduč |
Neutrino mass origin: from colliders to gravitational waves (Izvor nevtrinskih mas: od trkalnikov do gravitacijskih valov) (ARIS J1-4389) 1. 10. 2022 - 30. 9. 2025 |
doc. dr. Miha Nemevšek |
FLAMENCO: Flavor, Lepton number, And Mass Explorations of Neutrinos at the COmpact muon solenoid (FLAMENCO: okus, leptonsko število in raziskovanje mas nevtrinov na CMS) (ARIS N1-0253)
doc. dr. Miha Nemevšek |
Coulombic subgap states in superconducting quantum devices (Coulombska stanja v energijski reži superprevodnih kvantnih naprav)
(ARIS J1-3008)
prof. dr. Rok Žitko |
Nonergodic dynamics in disorder-free systems (Neergodična dinamika v sistemih brez nereda)
(ARIS N1-0273)
prof. dr. Lev Vidmar |
Eta-pairing as a glue (Eta parjenje kot lepilo)
(ARIS N1-0318) |
dr. Zala Lenarčič |
Coloured physics beyond the Standard Model (Obarvani skalari v fiziki onkraj standardnega modela)
(ARIS N1-0321) |
prof. dr. Svjetlana Fajfer |
Ergodicity breaking phase transitions
(ARIS J1-50005)
prof. dr. Lev Vidmar |
Multi-scale modelling of nonequIlibrium quantum materials (MINIMUM) (ARIS MN-0016-106)
dr. Denis Golež |
Scale invariance at dynamical transitions
(ARIS N1-0369)
prof. dr. Lev Vidmar |
MEchanics, Topology, And Geometry of Natural Optimizing Networks (METAGON)
dr. Matej Krajnc |
Project Title | Scientist in Charge (IJS) |
Probing the origin of flavor through precision experiments, ARIS bilateral grant BI-FR/22-23-PROTEUS-001 | dr. Nejc Košnik |
Manifestation of quantum chaos in quantum many-body lattice systems, ARIS bilateral grant BI-US/22-24-048 | prof. dr. Lev Vidmar |
Machine learning in high energy physics, ARIS bilateral grant BI-US/22-24-041 | prof. dr. Jernej Fesel Kamenik |
QuSiED - Quantum simulation with engineered dissipation (ERA.NET) | dr. Zala Lenarčič |
T-NiSQ - Tensor networks in simulation of quantum matter (ERA.NET) | dr. Zala Lenarčič |
COST CA22130; COMETA - Comprehensive Multiboson Experiment-Theory Action | prof. dr. Jernej Fesel Kamenik |
COST CA21106; COSMIC WISPers in the Dark Universe | prof. dr. Miha Nemevšek |
SiQUID - Slovenian Quantum Communication Infrastructure Demonstration (DIGITAL EU) | prof. dr. Rok Žitko |
DrumS - Weakly driven quantum symmetries (ERC StG) | dr. Zala Lenarčič |
Left-Righty symmetry, neutrino masses and collider phenomenology, ARIS bilateral grant PROTEUS | prof. dr. Miha Nemevšek |
HE - SMASH; Researcher: Machine Learning for Sciences and Humanities | prof. dr. Jernej Fesel Kamenik |
Boundary - Boundaries of quantum chaos (ERC CG) | prof. dr. Lev Vidmar |
Polyglutamine Aggregation: A Computational Exploration of Molecular Mechanisms, ARIS bilateral grant BI-US/24-26-023 | dr. Matej Kanduč |
Hybrid quantum devices, ARIS bilateral grant BI-US/24-26-023 | prof. dr. Rok Žitko |
Multiscale model of tumors embedded in elastic substrates, ARIS bilateral grant BI-US/24-26-023 | dr. Matej Krajnc |
New forms of eigenstate thermalization, ARIS bilateral grant BI-US/24-26-023 | prof. dr. Lev Vidmar |
TBA, ARIS bilateral grant BI-US/24-26-023 | prof. dr. Jernej Fesel Kamenik |