Med letošnjimi prejemniki Blinčevih nagrad tudi prof. dr. Svjetlana Fajfer in prof. dr. Lev Vidmar z odseka F1

Fakulteta za matematiko in fiziko Univerze v Ljubljani in Institut Jožef Stefan sta petič podelila Blinčeve nagrade za raziskovalno in strokovno delo na področju fizike, ki so namenjene fizikom, delujočim v Sloveniji. Blinčevo nagrado za fizike na začetku kariere je prejel izr. prof. … Read More

Journal Nature: prof. dr. Peter Prelovšek and prof. dr. Dragan Mihailović from Jožef Stefan Institute with authors from Italy and Germany revealed an unusual quantum effect

The macroscopic properties of quantum materials arise from microscopic quantum phenomena and cannot be understood solely through classical physics and chemistry. Sometimes, they behave entirely counter to intuition. In an article recently published in the journal Nature, a group of … Read More

MBL symposium

Program-symposium On June 7 – 9, 2023, Jožef Stefan Institute and University of Ljubljana will host “MBL symposium”. The purpose of this event is to bring together some leading scientists in the field of many-body localization (MBL) and ergodicity breaking … Read More

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