[Biophysics seminar] María Pedrosa Bustos: “Biophysics approach in anticancer therapies: Studying anticancer drug interactions with extracted and model cell membranes by Langmuir films and computer simulations”
F1 tearoomMaría Pedrosa Bustos, a visiting PhD student from the Biocoloids and Fluid Physics Group of the University of Granada, will give a talk on "Biophysics approach in anticancer therapies: Studying anticancer drug interactions with extracted and model cell membranes by … Read More
[Biophysics seminar] Horacio Guzman: “RNA-substrate interactions”
ZoomThe meeting will take place online via Zoom: Meeting ID: 833 0750 1179 Passcode: bio
[Biophysics seminar] Fabio Staniscia: “Adsorption at a curved interface”
Seminar room of physics (106)We study the effect of curvature of the interface on the adsorption properties of water droplets. Using a computational approach we show a decrease in the adsorption strength with the droplet curvature, which is accompanied by a decrease of surface … Read More
[Biophysics seminar] Jordi Faraudo: “Molecular Dynamics simulations and the SARS-CoV-2 virus”
ZoomI will expain our efforts in atomistic and coarse-grain simulations to provide useful information about SARS-CoV-2 and its interactions with materials and disinfecting chemicals. The meeting will take place online via Zoom: Meeting ID: 833 0750 1179 Passcode: bio
[Biophysics seminar] Matej Kanduč: “Monolayer Adsorption Versus Bulk Micellization: Insights from Molecular Simulations”
Seminar room of physics (106)Adsorption of amphiphilic molecules to aqueous interfaces occurs in many technological and biological settings, sometimes desired (stabilization of foams), while other times not (contamination). I will discuss how atomistic computer simulations can help us elucidate molecular mechanisms of surfactant adsorption, … Read More
Luiz Vale Silva: TBA
https://zoom.us/j/3601731049?pwd=bVNQRjUxU2ExZ0cveWcxYXNUUGdjZz09 (F1 tea room)https://indico.ijs.si/event/1554/
Sašo Grozdanov: Journal club on “Noninvertible Global Symmetries in the Standard Model”
https://zoom.us/j/3601731049?pwd=bVNQRjUxU2ExZ0cveWcxYXNUUGdjZz09 (Zoom)Journal club presentation by Sašo Grozdanov on Y. Choi, H. T. Lam, S.-H. Shao, Noninvertible Global Symmetries in the Standard Model, Phys. Rev. Lett., 129, 161601 (2022) https://indico.ijs.si/event/1558/
[Biophysics seminar] Maria Pedrosa Bustos: “Langmuir monolayers as membrane models to study anticancer drugs”
F1 tearoomWhen designing novel anticancer drugs, it is crucial to analyze how they interact with cell membranes. For this purpose, Langmuir monolayers have been widely used to mimic half of a cell membrane under controlled conditions. In this study, healthy and … Read More
Luiz Vale Silva: New physics in meson mixing
Z9/0-0 - F1 čajnica (Jamova)The mixing of neutral mesons has been playing a key role in the formulation and testing of the Standard Model. It is also sensitive to some of the highest Beyond the Standard Model scales probed in laboratory experiments. In light … Read More