Luiz Vale Silva: TBA (F1 tea room)

Luiz Vale Silva: New physics in meson mixing

Z9/0-0 - F1 čajnica (Jamova)

The mixing of neutral mesons has been playing a key role in the formulation and testing of the Standard Model. It is also sensitive to some of the highest Beyond the Standard Model scales probed in laboratory experiments. In light … Read More

Tim Höhne: Vector-like Fermion Portals into Higgs Stability

Z9/0-0 - F1 čajnica (Jamova)

We address the notorious metastability of the standard model (SM) Higgs potential and promote it to a model building task: What are the new ingredients required to stabilize the SM up to the Planck scale without encountering subplanckian Landau poles? … Read More

Davide Dal Cin: Planck-Scale Physics and the Peccei-Quinn inflation model (Zoom)

The radial direction of the Peccei--Quinn field can drive cosmic inflation, given a non-minimal coupling to gravity. This scenario has been considered to be capable of explaining inflation, the strong $CP$ problem, and dark matter. We argue that Peccei--Quinn inflation … Read More