Barry Dillon: What’s Anomalous in LHC Jets? (Zoom)Searches for anomalies are the main motivation for the LHC and define key analysis steps, including triggers. We discuss how LHC anomalies can be defined through probability density estimates, evaluated in a physics space or in an appropriate neural network … Read More
5th Trilateral meeting (tentative) at ICTP/IFPU
TBD (ICTP/IFPU)The trilateral meetings are a series of one day events designed to strengthen the scientific relations in particle, astroparticle physics and cosmology between Trieste, Nova Gorica and Ljubljana. The venue will be posted soon. Organizing committee: Miha Nemevšek (IJS) Andrea Romanino … Read More
Philipp Schicho: Gauge-invariant bubble nucleation rate in finite temperature effective field theory (Zoom)A gauge-invariant framework for computing bubble nucleation rates at finite temperature in the presence of radiative barriers was presented and advocated for model-building and phenomenological studies in an accompanying article arXiv:2112.05472. Here, we detail this computation using the Abelian Higgs … Read More
[Biophysics seminar] Haim Taitelbaum: “Spreading of Metal on Metal-on-glass at Room Temperature”
F1 tearoomWe study the spreading of mercury droplets on thin metal (silver or gold) films on glass at room temperature, which is the only known system of reactive-wetting at room temperature. We show that there exist two main regimes, the bulk propagation regime and … Read More
[Biophysics seminar] María Pedrosa Bustos: “Biophysics approach in anticancer therapies: Studying anticancer drug interactions with extracted and model cell membranes by Langmuir films and computer simulations”
F1 tearoomMaría Pedrosa Bustos, a visiting PhD student from the Biocoloids and Fluid Physics Group of the University of Granada, will give a talk on "Biophysics approach in anticancer therapies: Studying anticancer drug interactions with extracted and model cell membranes by … Read More
[Biophysics seminar] Horacio Guzman: “RNA-substrate interactions”
ZoomThe meeting will take place online via Zoom: Meeting ID: 833 0750 1179 Passcode: bio
[Biophysics seminar] Fabio Staniscia: “Adsorption at a curved interface”
Seminar room of physics (106)We study the effect of curvature of the interface on the adsorption properties of water droplets. Using a computational approach we show a decrease in the adsorption strength with the droplet curvature, which is accompanied by a decrease of surface … Read More
[Biophysics seminar] Jordi Faraudo: “Molecular Dynamics simulations and the SARS-CoV-2 virus”
ZoomI will expain our efforts in atomistic and coarse-grain simulations to provide useful information about SARS-CoV-2 and its interactions with materials and disinfecting chemicals. The meeting will take place online via Zoom: Meeting ID: 833 0750 1179 Passcode: bio
[Biophysics seminar] Matej Kanduč: “Monolayer Adsorption Versus Bulk Micellization: Insights from Molecular Simulations”
Seminar room of physics (106)Adsorption of amphiphilic molecules to aqueous interfaces occurs in many technological and biological settings, sometimes desired (stabilization of foams), while other times not (contamination). I will discuss how atomistic computer simulations can help us elucidate molecular mechanisms of surfactant adsorption, … Read More