Horacio Guzman: RNA fragment adsorption onto membranous surfaces of Lipid Nanoparticles”
Z9/0-0 - F1 čajnica (Jamova)Lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) are promising delivery tools for mRNAs vaccines due to their ability to protect and carry mRNA to target cells. However, designing effective LNPs for mRNA delivery systems remains a challenge due to a lack of understanding of … Read More
Pietro Baratella: Thermodynamics from scattering data
https://zoom.us/j/3601731049?pwd=bVNQRjUxU2ExZ0cveWcxYXNUUGdjZz09 (F1 tea room)In this seminar I will present a method for expressing thermodynamic quantities in terms of scattering amplitudes. After reviewing the classical derivation by Dashen, Ma and Bernstein, I will provide several checks of the method at leading order. The systematic … Read More
Fran Ivan Vrban: “Photon-photon scattering under Lorentz invariance violation”
Seminar room of physics (106) (IJS)https://indico.ijs.si/event/1677/
Tanmoy Sarkar: “Graph vertex model”
Z9/0-0 - F1 čajnica (Jamova)I will present a new approach to studying epithelial mechanics, which is based on representing the tissue structure by a graph. Additionally, I will demonstrate the implementation of this approach within a custom computational framework, neoVM. https://indico.ijs.si/event/1645/
Purushottam Sahu: Neutrinoless double beta decay in a left-right symmetric model with a double seesaw mechanism
https://zoom.us/j/3601731049?pwd=bVNQRjUxU2ExZ0cveWcxYXNUUGdjZz09 (F1 tea room)We discuss a left-right (L-R) symmetric model with the double seesaw mechanism at the TeV scale generating Majorana masses for the active left-handed (LH) flavour neutrinos$ u_{alpha L}$ and the heavy right-handed (RH) neutrinos $N_{beta R}$, $alpha,beta = e,mu,tau$, which in turn mediate … Read More
Biophysics Journal Club: Veronika Bukina, “Mexican jumping beans exhibit diffusive motion”
Seminar room of physics (106) (IJS)American physicists investigated the statistical properties of the movements of Mexican jumping beans (the so-called boxes of Sebastiania pavoniana, which set the larvae of the leaflet growing in them in motion) in the absence of a temperature gradient. It turned … Read More
Santiago Tanco: Exploring unsupervised top tagging using Bayesian inference
https://zoom.us/j/3601731049?pwd=bVNQRjUxU2ExZ0cveWcxYXNUUGdjZz09 (F1 tea room)Identifying hadronically decaying top-quark jets in a sample of jets is an important task in many LHC searches. Although there are outstanding supervised algorithms, their construction and expected performance rely on Monte Carlo simulations. After introducing the general framework of … Read More
Biophysics Journal Club: Marin Šako, “Tensile strength of water with organic impurities”
Z9/0-0 - F1 čajnica (Jamova)https://indico.ijs.si/event/1648/
Fabio Staniscia, “Tolman length and anomalous adsorption at curved interfaces”
Z9/0-0 - F1 čajnica (Jamova)We investigate, by using molecular dynamics simulations, the effect of curvature on the interfacial properties of pure water and water-alcohol solutions. For the pure water case we can calculate the Tolman length, which characterizes the dependence of surface tension on … Read More
Arghyadip Mukherjee: “Topological interactions drive spindle orientation and the fate decision in the Drosophila embryo”
Z9/0-0 - F1 čajnica (Jamova)During embryogenesis, the earliest cell fate decision is tightly linked to nuclear positioning. Control of nuclear positioning arises from the integration of the different phases of activity during the cell cycle and associated cytoskeletal mechanics. Yet, the mechanisms that ensure … Read More