Santiago Tanco: Exploring unsupervised top tagging using Bayesian inference (F1 tea room)

Identifying hadronically decaying top-quark jets in a sample of jets is an important task in many LHC searches. Although there are outstanding supervised algorithms, their construction and expected performance rely on Monte Carlo simulations. After introducing the general framework of … Read More

Ahmed Youssef: MLHAD: A Machine Learning based Simulation for Hadronization (F1 tea room)

Hadronization, a crucial component of event generation, is traditionally simulated using fine-tuned empirical models. While current phenomenological models have been quite successful overall in simulating this process, there are still areas where they lack accuracy in describing the underlying physics. … Read More

Prospecting for new physics using muons

Z9/0-0 - F1 čajnica (Jamova)

Speakers: Jure Zupan (University of Cincinnati)