A compact device sustains a fluid of bosons

V odseku News and Views revije Nature je izšel članek “Bozonska tekočina ujeta v majhni napravi”, katerega avtorja sta Denis Golež [ Odseka za teoretično fiziko, Odsek za kompleksne snovi in Fakultete za matematiko in fiziko Univerze v Ljubljani] in Zhiyuan Sun [Univerza Harvard]. V članku avtorja opisujeta pomen nedavnega odkritja bozonske tekočine ekscitonov v napravi sestavljeni iz atomsko tankih plasti polprevodnikov pri praktično
ravnovesnih pogojih in visokih temperaturah.

News and Views članek  https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-02876-x
Originalno delo https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-03947-9




An article has been published in News and Views of Nature magazine “A compact device sustains a fluid of bosons”, written by Denis Golež [ F1, F7 and FMF] in Zhiyuan Sun [Harvard University]. In article, authors explain the essence of recent discovery of Bose fluid of excitons in a compact device composed of atomically thin layers of semiconductors at equilibrium conditions and high temperatures.

News and Views article https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-02876-x

Original work https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-03947-9