Miha Modic (TBA)
Seminar room of physics (106) (IJS)https://indico.ijs.si/event/2462/
Abhishek Mohapatra: One Born Oppenheimer Effective Theory to rule all Exotics
https://zoom.us/j/3601731049?pwd=bVNQRjUxU2ExZ0cveWcxYXNUUGdjZz09 (A/1-106 - Seminarska soba fizike (F5))The XYZ exotic states discovered in the hadronic sector with two heavy quarks constitute one of the most important open problems in particle theory. In this talk, I show that an effective field theory derived from QCD, the Born Oppenheimer effective … Read More
Darius A. Faroughy: Generative modelling for Particle-Clouds with Quantum Numbers
https://zoom.us/j/3601731049?pwd=bVNQRjUxU2ExZ0cveWcxYXNUUGdjZz09 (C/2-X - F1 čajnica)https://indico.ijs.si/event/2561/
Ilja Doršner: Is Doublet-Triplet Splitting Necessary?
C/2-X - F1 čajnica (Jamova)I will demonstrate that it is not necessary to substantially break the mass degeneracy between the Standard Model Higgs boson doublet and the accompanying scalar leptoquark. More precisely, I will show that the experimental proton decay lifetime data cannot place … Read More
Tanmoy Sarkar, “Active Junctional Fluctuation-Driven Ordering in 3D Cellular Aggregates”
A/1-106 - Seminarska soba fizike (F5) (Jamova)https://indico.ijs.si/event/2467/
Primož Ziherl, “Intrinsic curvature of lipids”
A/1-106 - Seminarska soba fizike (F5) (Jamova)https://indico.ijs.si/event/2476/
XBW rehearsal
A/1-106 - Seminarska soba fizike (F5) (Jamova)Speakers:Fran Ivan VrbanVeronika BukinaMarin Šako https://indico.ijs.si/event/2562/
Matej Kanduč (TBA)
A/1-106 - Seminarska soba fizike (F5) (Jamova)https://indico.ijs.si/event/2638/
Franci Merzel (TBA)
A/1-106 - Seminarska soba fizike (F5) (Jamova)https://indico.ijs.si/event/2335/
Alessandro Dondarini
https://zoom.us/j/3601731049?pwd=bVNQRjUxU2ExZ0cveWcxYXNUUGdjZz09 (A/1-106 - Seminarska soba fizike (F5))https://indico.ijs.si/event/2639/