Ilja Doršner: Is Doublet-Triplet Splitting Necessary?
C/2-X - F1 čajnica (Jamova)I will demonstrate that it is not necessary to substantially break the mass degeneracy between the Standard Model Higgs boson doublet and the accompanying scalar leptoquark. More precisely, I will show that the experimental proton decay lifetime data cannot place … Read More
Tanmoy Sarkar, “Active Junctional Fluctuation-Driven Ordering in 3D Cellular Aggregates”
A/1-106 - Seminarska soba fizike (F5) (Jamova)
Primož Ziherl, “Intrinsic curvature of lipids”
A/1-106 - Seminarska soba fizike (F5) (Jamova)
XBW rehearsal
A/1-106 - Seminarska soba fizike (F5) (Jamova)Speakers:Fran Ivan VrbanVeronika BukinaMarin Šako
Matej Kanduč, “On foam stability”
A/1-106 - Seminarska soba fizike (F5) (Jamova)Soft, light, and visually captivating, liquid foams are enigmatic - complex systems with intricate multiscale structures. Beneficial in some cases and undesired in others, their inherent instability raises a critical question: how can we stabilize foams? In this seminar, I … Read More
Primož Ziherl, “Soft cells and the geometry of sea shells”
A/1-106 - Seminarska soba fizike (F5) (Jamova)
Alessandro Dondarini: Constraining the Minimal Dark Matter 5-plet with Indirect Detection (A/1-106 - Seminarska soba fizike (F5))We critically reassess the Minimal Dark Matter model and propose new indirect detection signatures. Specifically, for the originally proposed accidentally stable SU(2) 5-plet, we compute the photon flux arising from Dark Matter Bound State Formation and Sommerfeld Enhancement, highlighting the … Read More
Matej Krajnc, “Hybrid mechanical model of epithelia supported by substrate”
A/1-106 - Seminarska soba fizike (F5) (Jamova)
Nicklas Ramberg: Unveiling Hidden Sectors with Gravitational Waves (“The Gravitational Wave Stairway”) (A/1-106 - Seminarska soba fizike (F5))In this talk we explore the potential of gravitational wave (GW) observations to probe the structure of hidden sectors beyond the Standard Model (BSM). We argue that the sequential decoupling of new degrees of freedom in these sectors can leave … Read More
Michael Zantedeschi: On the fate of evaporating black holes: how the burden of their memory stabilizes them (A/1-106 - Seminarska soba fizike (F5))The “memory burden” effect describes how an object’s stored information resists its own decay. This effect is especially pronounced in “saturons”—systems with maximal entropy consistent with unitarity—of which black holes are prime examples. I will show how this memory burden … Read More