Michael Zantedeschi: On the fate of evaporating black holes: how the burden of their memory stabilizes them
https://zoom.us/j/3601731049?pwd=bVNQRjUxU2ExZ0cveWcxYXNUUGdjZz09 (A/1-106 - Seminarska soba fizike (F5))The “memory burden” effect describes how an object’s stored information resists its own decay. This effect is especially pronounced in “saturons”—systems with maximal entropy consistent with unitarity—of which black holes are prime examples. I will show how this memory burden … Read More
Jonathan Ron, “Deterministic cell motility patterns across scales and sizes”
Seminar room of physics (106) (IJS)Cell motility plays a crucial role in various biological processes, such as embryogenesis, wound healing, and immune response. Although the complex molecular machinery driving cell motility is relatively well understood, it remains unclear how cells exhibit such diverse migration patterns, … Read More
Enrico Morgante: Gravitational waves from confinement in improved holographic QCD
https://zoom.us/j/3601731049?pwd=bVNQRjUxU2ExZ0cveWcxYXNUUGdjZz09 (A/1-106 - Seminarska soba fizike (F5))I will discuss gravitational waves produced during the confinement phase transition in SU(N) Yang-Mills, using a holographic description. The key ingredient will be the construction of the effective action, with the kinetic term playing an important role. https://indico.ijs.si/event/2680/
V. S. Rao Jampani, “Self-shaping liquids”
A/1-106 - Seminarska soba fizike (F5) (Jamova)https://indico.ijs.si/event/2745/
Petr Šulc, “DNA and RNA nanotechnology: molecular computing, therapeutics, and the quest for the holy grail of self-assembly”
A/1-106 - Seminarska soba fizike (F5) (Jamova)https://indico.ijs.si/event/2744/
Marko Popovic, “Biological tissues as active amorphous solids”
A/1-106 - Seminarska soba fizike (F5) (Jamova)https://indico.ijs.si/event/2784/
Sifan Yin, “Developmental mechanics of divergent buckling patterns in chick gut”
A/1-106 - Seminarska soba fizike (F5) (Jamova)https://indico.ijs.si/event/2785/
Franci Merzel (TBA)
A/1-106 - Seminarska soba fizike (F5) (Jamova)https://indico.ijs.si/event/2335/
Sascha Ollertz, “Agent-based modelling of cell differentiation patterns in mouse blastocysts”
A/1-106 - Seminarska soba fizike (F5) (Jamova)https://indico.ijs.si/event/2746/
Fran Ivan Vrban (TBA)
A/1-106 - Seminarska soba fizike (F5) (Jamova)https://indico.ijs.si/event/2782/